Trusted software solutions for retailers

The Cash Audit module provides for the audit and analysis of sale transactions. The system obtains sales and media data from a variety of potential sources (POS registers, data entry, customer order processing, E-commerce, etc.). It provides for paperless daily sales journals, cash drawer summaries, sales flashes, sales summaries, salesperson reporting and is the source of all data for the sales analysis module.
Paperless sales audit
Multiple Level reporting -
Corporate/Region/District/Store/Department/Class Group/Class/SKU
Generic SKU's
Modulus check digit control for SKU numbers
Sales flash history
Monthly or 4/4/5 accounting cycles
User control over degree of transaction summarization
Detail transaction audit trail

Malibu provides a robust sales reporting system, including multi-level sales analysis by company, region, district, store, department, class group, class, vendor, style, color and size analysis. Malibu provides powerful reporting capabilities from pre-coded Malibu reports as well as from Malibu's sophisticated sales report writer. Reporting can be established by user, so that reports can be preset to a personalized specification, to include only the desired data in the proper format and the user's printer.
Malibu's sales report writer provides for virtually many combination of reports, easily created by users with comparatively minor amount of training. Reports can be 'catalogued' for repeated use. Sales reports can be created interactively , or processed in batch processes for catalogs.
Multiple Level reporting -
Department/Class Group/Class/Style
Style/color/size identification as desired
Generic SKU's
Sophisticated report writer & Inquires
Vendor and Style (item) analysis
Sophisticated database and history capability

Malibu's Purchase Order Management module provides for the input and tracking of purchase orders. Malibu provides for shipment directly to stores, distribution center, or intermediate shipment to a distribution center (i.e pre-pack) for distribution to stores. Purchase orders can be generated automatically using Malibu's replenishment features, and orders can be placed with the vendors, using Electronic Data interchange(EDI). As a by-product of the purchase order input, Malibu can create the SKU definitions, product store and warehouse receiver documents, update the database 'on-order' file, and retain the purchase order information pending receipt of goods and vendor invoicing.
Can assign SKU's as a by-product of Purchase Order input
Input bu SKU or style
Pattern allocation for store distribution
Easy correction of purchase orders
Automated merchandise tag printing
Cross reference of purchase orders to vendor sales order
Specification of retail price on purchase order
Options: Algorithm pricing, Automatic assignment of PO number and SKU number
Sophisticated inquires and reports, by store, by buyer, by vendor, by date select, etc.
Default price/cost lookup
Inputs by SKU or style/size spreadsheet
En-masse closing of purchase orders
Easy purchase order "copy" features

Malibu's Receiving and distribution module provides for the receiving, distribution and replenishment of store inventory. Receiving can be at a store (store-direct) or at a distribution center. Receipts can be input with or without a related purchase order. Malibu provides an optional one-step receiver/transfer process we call transceiving (or cross-docking), which eliminates many otherwise redundant and time consuming processes.
Can receive by exception
Receive with or without a PO
Create tags for merchandise received
Receiver inquiries
Implied receipts option
One-stop transceiving
Cost and price changes at time of receipt
Price changes activated by receipt of merchandise
Receiver screen shows remaining on order
Warns if past cancel date
Tracks multiple receipts against order
Search receivers by PO, receiver number, vendor, location or SKU, then report using up to 12 different sort combinations, as either the style or SKU level, in either units,cost or retail dollars.
PO/Receiver matching inquiry
Comprehensive recaps and controls
PO/Receiver/Invoice Audit
Cost-To-Retail Analysis
Search PO's by (or combination of) PO#, vendor,PO date, SKU, style, store, buyer, operator, receipt date, cancel date, season, PO status, then report in detail , or by month for department, or vendor in cost, retail or units.
Returns to vendor processing
Pick lists, Bills of lading, Shipment summaries
Suggested transfers
Status tracking of receiving, distribution process
Bar coded tracking documents
Interactive and batch hang tag (merchandise label) generation
Redistribution of pre-distributed orders
Distribution patterns
Automated replenishment
Replenish by sales or rate of sales
Replenish by model stock
Distribution formula generator
Bin Management(Optional):
Complete bin management/inquiry
Bin replenishment, bulk to primary by rate of movement
Automated bin size optimization

The inventory module tracks inventory by store and warehouse by SKU. It is a perpetual inventory, and is fully integrated to the general ledger/interface. It utilizes the cost method (continuously calculated average cost)
The system provides for detail level tracking of receipts to warehouse and transfers to stores, returns to vendors, inter-store transfers, markups, markdowns, cost/retail adjustments and provides for physical inventory taking and revaluations.
Interface to third party inventory taking services.
Physicals can be taken for any or all stores, and within a store for any or all departments
Identification to style, size and color
Automated transfer reconciliation
Default cost lookup
Perpetual Inventory transaction audit trail
Capability to re-class at Department/Class level
Automated transfer of history for Department/ Class
Markdown tracking and management
Markdown Inquiries
Price change tracking
Variance exception reporting

Malibu provides a variety of tag printing screens and capabilities to print tags. Printing can be on demand, or as a by-product of a transaction, such as when printing a PO or receiver. Malibu provides the screens to lay out the tags, as well as the interface to print tags on the Monarch printers or Cognitive Solutions Barcode Blaster.
Specify tag Format
Print ad hoc tags
Print tags when receiving
Print tags when ordering
Print text messages "e.g. Otter story" in tag